
Plugin that selects feature(s) by drawing an area on the map.

Supports Leaflet 1.0.0+ branches, tested with 1.2.0 and 1.9.4.

This plugin let the user draw an area, once it is activated, on the map by holding the left mouse button and moving it. As a developer you can get the layers that are within the bounding box of that area. Once you have the instances of the layers you can manipulate them separately.




Here you can find a demo


Include Leaflet.SelectAreaFeature in your JavaScript project using npm install leaflet-selectareafeature.

You can then include Leaflet.SelectAreaFeature in your web application by adding the following HTML tags (paths below are relative to your project’s root):

<script src="./lib/js/Leaflet.SelectAreaFeature.js"></script>

Put it after leaflet is loaded. Once your page is loaded you can easily use it by enable it like:

var selectfeature = map.selectAreaFeature.enable();

After the plugin is enabled the user can draw an area by holding the left mouse button and start drawing. You can disable the plugin by:


Than the mouse events for drawing stop working with the map.


The following options are available with SelectAreaFeature (showing you here with the default settings):

Property Description Default value Example
color The color of the line when drawing. For example ‘blue’ , ‘#333333’ ‘green’ selectfeature.options.color = '#663399' ;
weight The weight of the line 2 selectfeature.options.weight = 1 ;
dashArray Sets or read the stroke dash pattern of the line ‘5, 5, 1, 5’ selectfeature.options.dasArray = '2, 2, 4, 2' ;


The following methods are supported by the plugin:

Method Input parameter Mandatory Returns Description
getAreaLatLng     Array of latlng Gets all the latlng of the latest drawn area on the map
removeAllArea       Removes all the drawn area from the map
removeLastArea       Remove the latest drawn area from the map
getFeaturesSelected(layertype) layertype String Yes Array of layers selected of layertype is one of the following values: ‘polyline’, ‘polygon’, ‘rectangle’, ‘ marker’, ‘circle’ or ‘all’


The following events are raised by the plugin:

Method Parameters Description Example Data
onDrawStart Starting Point Event fired when user begins selection {"latlng":{"lat":33.01447033717771,"lng":-96.82496721390636}}
onDrawEnd Array of selection points Event fired when user ends selection. Note: array can be large. [{"lat":33.00295088449869,"lng":-96.8394228955731},{"lat":32.98536856753931,"lng":-96.71727228909732},{"lat":32.932621581506616,"lng":-96.89001782331617},{"lat":32.93504675534242,"lng":-96.89146340824665}]

How to subscribe to these events:

map.on('onDrawStart', function(evData) {
  // Your handling code here
map.on('onDrawEnd', function(selectionLatLng) {
  // Your handling code here


Leaflet.SelectAreaFeature is free software, and may be redistributed under the GPL-3.0 license.